Escape to Visayas

12:19 AM

After a year of being in a long distance relationship, Mark and I finally decided to see each other.  We've been 6,973 miles apart and one way to keep our relationship going is through traveling.  Yes, it's been a tough year for both of us but with all honesty, it's worth the wait. It takes a lot of trust, dedication, effort, patience, and understanding to make it magical.

So for another magical travel story, here’s our sweet escape to the beautiful places of Visayas! Don’t forget to keep your eye on my blog, a full detailed blog about this trip will be posted soon!

Please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Also, don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more travel updates!

Rothessa Jane 

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  1. Swimming with sea turtles is so ridiculously cool! My favorites!

  2. I really enjoyed watching this video. Waiting for more. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  3. Beautiful! But where is it? Somewhere in the Philippines?


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